A shoe is usually made of leather to cover the foot, not more than above the ankle with a sturdy sole. A shoe is a piece that creates and defines a style. It also adds value and makes a fashion statement. A shoe can make your feet sense of being floating in the air since it light and comfortable in your feet. A style is defined by a set of clothing together with shoes. The shoe is one of the essential accessories to make your outfit complete for an outing. Cute and attractive shoe expresses and shows your artistic sense and taste, while mismatched and untidy shoes signify you lack fashion sense. A pair of footwear will make you look good and meet your feelings of great warmth and add beauty to your apparel. To get the right shoe that will make your outfit a better one, you will need to consider the following: Choose the right shoe The right shoe has prominent attributes that will give total support and comfort. It must be the right shape and size for your feet. Get a shoe that has lining and fabric with air through the passage, such as canvas or leather. Getting your fit Go to a shoe store with your foot outline to be able to get your fit of the shoe. Lay your sketch on the floor and place your preferred shoe on top to ensure it will fit you. The outline and the shoe should match the shape of your draft. When you try this method on a couple of shoes, you will get the one that will better fit your feet. Put them on after you have picked the one that best fits your leg and walks around the store to ensure you are satisfied. In today’s world of fashion, the shoe is being given more attention and priority than in the past. Designers have also made several types, designs, and colors of shoes for you to choose to make your outfit look great. You need to wear a pair of footwear that will not whip your feet. A tennis shoe will be fully explored when doing something like shopping, house cleaning, and gardening. This type of shoe will protect and give comfort to the feet against unforeseen injury. If a woman engages in playing or working in the yard, the tennis shoe will make her comfortable and provide maximum protection for her feet. In the summer period, sandals are the best shoe for the season. Lots of varieties of colors are used to paint the toes, which beautify the styles and clothing choices. A beautiful professional toenail and feet are skillfully displayed in those shoes with many straps and padding.
Hello loves !!! If you like practicality and comfort on your feet, you should love canvas sneakers, as they are very beautiful and match everything !!!
There are shoes that are true classics and are present in the lives of many people. The converse is responsible for creating some of the most beloved sneakers in the fashion world. This is the case with the white All-Star, one of the brand’s most versatile models!

Footwear is so democratic that it can be worn by any gender, age, style and occasion. It is not difficult to find it in lists of shoes you should have: the comfortable design and the basic style with charm has elevated its status to the essential basic.
It is not only in sneakers that the canvas is present. The fabric can be used in the production of very comfortable shoes, including loafers in a more sporty line. Which can be combined with t-shirts and more basic clothes. The canvas is made from resistant cotton, as well as jeans, forming a comfortable and lasting weave.
There are several types of canvas shoes: there are ALL star sneakers, shoes, moccasins and boots. You can choose which one best suits your style.

How to clean white canvas shoes and sneakers:
White or light-colored canvas-lined sneakers require some care to maintain their appearance again. And leave them without stains after drying.
The first precaution is to avoid washing them in a washing machine. It will not remove all the dirt and, after drying, will have yellow marks.
The use of bleach is another sin, which after a few washes and contact with the sun leaves your sneakers with dark stains and all the yellowish canvas.
If the model is lace, remove and wash them before starting the washing. To facilitate and speed up the process, dip them in the Soda Bicarbonate Pasta Mousse jar and let it act for a few minutes. Then hold them by the end, so that they are well stretched and pass the sponge, acting with a little force so that its fibers penetrate the cord well. After they are well cleaned, rinse and hang them to dry.
Place a few pieces of bubble wrap, cloths, flannels or white towels (so as not to stain the canvas) inside a shoe. This procedure is necessary to facilitate cleaning and maintain the shape of the shoe.
Dip a wet brush or sponge in the Sodium Bicarbonate Paste Mousse and rub the entire surface of the shoe. Go dipping the brush or sponge in the paste (if you prefer, put a little water in the paste – you don’t need to remove it from the pot, it can be over the top) and rubbing the canvas until all the dirt is removed.
Rub the white rubber soles with the Sodium Bicarbonate Paste Mousse and a stiff bristle brush. The steel brush will make the job much easier. It helps to remove grimy and dirty areas that are difficult to access. In the absence of this, use a sapolium stone (buy in supermarkets, they are usually displayed in the dishwashing detergent shelves). Go rubbing the stone on the rubber that should be covered with the paste.
If the rubber is very grimy and you are unable to clear it completely. Add a little creamy hydrogen peroxide 20-30 volumes to the paste. Cover all the rubber with the mixture, let it act for about 15 minutes, and then rub.
Remove the cloth or bubble wrap and rinse the shoe with clean water. Place your shoes on top of a clean, dry towel. Wrap the sides of the towel around it to remove excess water.
Repeat the process on the other foot and let it dry at room temperature. If you prefer, use the dryer on low heat.
After drying, spray the entire shoe with hairspray. It is a dirt repellent, facilitates the next cleaning and avoids some stains.